Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dare to Challenge our Fundamental Thnking

I have the mean reds. "When your afraid of something but you don't know what your afraid of." Holly Golightly 

FEAR | This year undoubtley marks the best year of my life.  Selfishly for my academic success, my very very lucky career success, and my incredible growth of support from my family and friends.  I am blessed, lucky as hell, and want to pay it forward more than I did in 2010. 

I write down my wishes to the universe every new year, and what always surprises me is how many actually come to be reality.  Most not in the way I envisioned- they arrive better than I could have imagined. I am open more because of what transpired in 2010.  I was vulnerable | I hurt | I fell and dusted myself off got back up and became wiser. I AM A WISER WOMAN | Thank you 2010. Here's to an undoubtedly more amazing journey. 

Fearless Ambition
Artists Take RISKS
Think beyond the expected
Art started without emotion in NOT ART
You can not find peace by avoiding LIFE
I can't fix everything
You either do it or you don't
You are not your mistakes
You are your possibilities
Let them hate you just do you thing
I am in control of my destiny
Self Doubt is part of the process
Embrace your frustration to evoke passion
Our work is an extension of ourselves
We are the innovators we are the visionaries- those who dare to dream and ACT.
Allow your work to make extraordinary demands on you. 
Do not accept things for face value