Sunday, November 27, 2011


LOVE THESE. And have adapted these ideals into my design and life manifesto. 

My beautiful grandma, mum and aunt. I just love the innocence, hope and promise captured. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Abandonment | Brain Vomit

Creativity at its finest.
Pure and untarnished. 
Elevation of thought. It grows and manifests. 
Expressive. Energy. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Diana Prince | Wonder Woman

The quest for a strong feminist role model is challenging and while I I have always admired Joan of Arc, Amelia Earhart, Camille Claudel and Virginia Wolf just to name a few Wonder Woman has always stood for me as a larger than life  superhero- who just happened to be a woman.  

Every Halloween I try to represent through costume where I am in my life- so Wonder Woman was an obvious choice.  She is not only equal to men but has that extra feminine touch of beauty grace and a kind heart.  

I found fascinating details about the evolution of Wonder Women and wanted to share: 

Wonder Woman is a "distinctly feminist role model whose mission was to bring the Amazon ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men.She has superhuman strength, flight, super-speed, super-stamina, and super-agility. 

Originally created during World War II, the character was initially depicted fighting the Axis military forces, as well as an assortment of supervillains. In later decades, some writers maintained the World War II setting, with many of its themes and story arcs, while others updated the series to reflect the present day.

In 1972, William Marston, designed Wonder Woman to represent a particular form of female empowerment. "Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world" 

With her bulletproof bracelets, Lasso of Truth and her Golden Tiara she represents my quest for fearlessness, passion and conviction and the ability to conquer the world. 

WONDER WOMAN  Your a Wonder Wonder Woman!!!